Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Drug testing of student athletes in high schools and universities is important to have. Schools are looking out for the best interests of the students who are participating in sports. In order to provide safety to the athlete and to promote a drug free environment drug testing should be permitted because the testing will have a positive effect on student athlestes and the way they behave. If drug tests are given student athletes will most likely stop taking drugs in order to purse their passions in sports.  It is not a question of whether it is fair for one school in the district to be giving drug tests, and another to not be admitting testing, but it is more that we need to look out for the well being of our students and give them the opportunity to play sports at the highest level possible. The invasion of privacy shouldn't be considered an issue because you are peeing in a cup in behind closed doors. Administrators to the testing will only be standing outside the bathroom stall listening for any tampering or straneg noises. Drug testing promotes a drug free environment and keeps our students safe from future harm. 
In the case of Stafford v. Redding the strip search performed by school officials to discover ibuprofen was unconstitutional. The strip search was not one that was reasonable. Redding was an honor roll student who had no history of and problems in school. Reasonableness was not enough to strip search Redding. In a key excerpt from the dissenting opinion Justice Stevens says " A standard better attuned to this concern would permit teachers and school administrators to search a student when they have reason to believe that the search will uncover evidence thaat the student is violating the law or engagin in conduct that is seriously disruptive of school order, or the educational process." This opinion is better suited in schools because now school officials can not just search someone based on suspicion. There needs to be good reason to believe that this search will uncover evidence. The strip search was a violation of the girls privacy as it went too far to the point where she was totally exposed. To a certain point search and seizure can be tolerated. In this case the school officials went too far and invaded this girls privacy.

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