Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thoughts on Mock Trial

I thought the mock trial was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the preparation that went into it. I thought my case was really interesting and there was some really good arguments both sides were able to use in their defense. My case was Susan Williams V. David Jones, and it dealt with the alleged rape of Susan Williams. What I enjoyed most about the trial was being able to prepare a cross examination. Although my cross examination wasn't unbelievable, I still thought it was fun to be able to "burn" somebody on the witness stand and strategically get them to say what I wanted to prove. I also really enjoyed being a witness. I actually went into full character and acted the part really well. I even threw in a Boston accent for fun.  Although we lost, I still don't understand how it could have been seen as a unanimous decision by the jury.  There was a legitimate argument presented by us that Susan Williams said "No" and that there was resistance. And the law states that any type of resistance infers that it is rape. I even got David Jones to admit to rape while on the witness stand so I really think we could have won this trial. Regardless, I had a lot of fun with my case and it was also interesting to see the second case as a juror. As much as I hated the women in that case, it was probably the most obvious case of sexual harassment.
This mock trial really got me interested in law, and how its fun to be in those types of situations. Maybe law school is somewhere down the road for me.

1 comment:

  1. Good honest reflection Scott, but work on doing each of these in a timely manner and even more importantly, complete each aspect of them and use a lot more detail to support your ideas.
