Monday, December 13, 2010


The pro-life argument is winning. The value of a human life has increased in the past decade. Society is recognizing how important a human life is, no matter how developed it is. Anti-choice people want to outlaw abortion, regardless of the woman's situation. They will stop at nothing to make it harder for women to access abortion. They even target the doctors who provide abortion care. Although this is extreme, it seems to be the path that many Americans who are pro-life seem to be supporting. Although support seems to be shifting to pro-life, I believe that the pro-choice argument is a better one. I believe it is a women's fundamental right to choose what she does with her body. Women, no matter what economic state they are in or what situation they have should be able to choose what they want for their future. But I still believe that the procedure must be done within a certain period of the birth stage, such as within the first 20 weeks.

I believe that a parent should be informed if the child is under the age of 18, but they do not have the right to consent to such procedure. I firmly believe that a women has the right to do what she wants to do with her body. The parents cannot be in control of this situation. Responsibility needs to be placed on the woman who is currenlty pregnant and wants to get involved in such procedure.

I believe that both parents should be notified. The mom especially, but the father should be notified too because he may be paying for  this procedure. If the father is not currently involved in the child's life then there is no need for his consent.

Illinois abortion laws strongly oppose abortion.  The state of Illinois position on abortion is evident on many of the restrictions the state imposes on women who want to get an abortion. For instance, Illinois prohibits certain state employees and organizations receiving state funds from counseling or referring women for abortion services. Illinois restricts insurance coverage of abortion for some individuals. Illinois allows certain individuals or entities to refuse to provide women specific reproductive-health services, information, or referrals. Illinois law restricts young women's access to abortion services by mandating parental notice. Illinois has an unconstitutional and unenforceable law mandating spousal consent before a married woman may obtain abortion care. All of these restrictions make it very hard for a women to be able to have an abortion in the state of Illinois. I am very pro-choice up to a certain date in the pregnancy and believe it is a fundamental right for women to be able to do what they want with their bodies. I find many of these restrictions ridiculous and are loop holes in the system of Roe v. Wade to prevent women from having abortions.  If I could change the laws I would make sure that women don't have to be put through all of these circumstances that make it difficult for them to have such procedure. I firmly believe in pro-choice, BUT it must be done within a certain time frame in the pregnancy. 

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