Sunday, January 2, 2011

MTV Credited For Decline In Teen Pregnancy Rates

From the chaotic family dynamics to the aftermath of childbirth, MTV's hit show "16 and Pregnant" has illustrated that teen parenthood is not always an easy journey. These candid glimpses inside the trials of young parents apparently are making a mark on youth across America, as the series is being credited with helping to spur a decrease in teen pregnancy.
According to a new government study, U.S teen birthrates plunged dramatically in 2009 after a five percent increase from 2005 to 2007. And a report by National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy recognizes "16 and Pregnant," specifying that 82 percent of teenagers credit the hit show in helping them understand the challenges that come with unexpected parenthood.
Bill Albert, a spokesman for the National Campaign, believes that "16 and Pregnant" helps broaden insight into teen pregnancy. "Entertainment media is one of the nation's favorite punching bags, but we have to acknowledge that when we're talking about teen pregnancies media can be and often is a force for good, and that is particularly true when it comes to shows like '16 and Pregnant,' " he said.
While "16 and Pregnant" has received some media criticism for its apparent glamorization of its subject, Albert stands by the findings of the survey. "Some critics say these shows glamorize teen pregnancy, but our survey data shows that's not the case," he pointed out. "That not only do they not glamorize it, but teens who have seen it suggest it makes the realities of teen parenthood more real to them."
 I find it very interesting that the show has had such a strong impact on teenage pregnancy. When I first watched the show I found it to be yet another stupid MTV reality show that I felt glamorized these teenage girls and their boyfriends for having gotten knocked up. I still agree that the show glamorizes teen pregnancy as these girls have now become famous. Becoming famous by giving birth at age 16 and having it documented on MTV is totally ridiculous. I think the show is a waste of time, but if it actually has had an impact on a decline in teenage pregnancy then I support its entertainment only in an effort to show teens the challenges that come with unexpected parenthood.

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