Sunday, January 9, 2011

Food Rules #2

Eat Food
This is easier said than done. Today supermarkets have on average forty-seven thousand products. Is all of this really food? The industry doesn't want you to know the truth about what you are eating, because if you knew the truth then you wouldn't want to eat it. In Pollan's book, Food Rules, he explains the problems that supermarkets pose to American health and how food companies have never been so powerful in our history.  When shopping at the supermarket you should always plan on buying products from food sections along the perimeter of the store. What are these products? These are typically your dairy (milk, cheese, etc..), chicken, fish, and beef. These can actually be considered food. What Pollan warns us about is what kind of stuff are we eating when we decide to shop within the aisles.  When you go through the supermarket there is an illusion of diversity.  So much of our industrial food turns out to be rearrangements of corn, for ex: ketchup, cheese, Twinkies, batteries, and peanut butter. Were never truly eating real food. For example, if I take a package of "Rice A Roni" from my kitchen and look at the ingredient, only a few sound remotely normal. What is ferrous sulfate? Thiamin  monoitrate? Riboflavin? Niacin? When I read those ingrediants it sounds like im putting a chemistry project into my body. On occasion a package of "Rice A Roni" is ok to eat. But in America, much of our population depends on cheap, fast, prepackaged food, that they will buy in bunches because it doesn't go bad. Its when this food is consumed on a daily basis is when we have to worry because its making us sick.  Its shocking that the FDA wants to allow the sell of meat from animals without any labeling of where its coming from. In recent years we have seen numerous cases of ecoli and salmonella being in our food products. For instance the "Peter Pan" brand of peanut butter needed to be taken off the shelf because it was making Americans fatally ill. Ecoli has been found countless times in our spinach and even apple juice. The ingredients that go into the "food" we eat, doesn't do us any good.  It only makes us sick but very little is being done by the food industry to help the people because all they want to do is sit back on the countless amount of money we spend eating crap each year.

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