Monday, January 10, 2011

Food Rules #3

One of the cool aspects of this book is that it gives you tips about how to shop and what to look out for while fighting a larger issue. This book is  in fact about the food you consume and why some of it may be very unhealthy for you but cloaked in banners of "health".  This is about gov't or someone compromising our health for the benefit of big business like Monsanto who controls most of the grain in the US. Many people seem to be confused about whether food is an issue in America. It is huge.  Michelle Obama is behind it and it is one her pet campaigns but also many other groups. There are dangerous additives to virtually all the products we consume and that we put on our bodies. From Obesity to the fake additives and dangerous carcinogens that are unknowingly added to our foods and given incompressible names, there is a problem in this country. Many people are ignorant to the fact that obesity is a huge issue in America. Many have the mindset that its not my problem so why should I care. We need to start caring. For those who are interested in politics then you know what the new Health care system entails. Not only do people with weight issues usually have other health problems, but for those who constantly indulge chemicals and disgusting products into their bodies they will eventually have health problems as well. The point im trying to make is eventually when you pay for their health care with your taxes you will care what they (and you eat). If your pay check  takes 50% of your pay so that everyone has healthcare you will care what people eat.   In the end we pay for all of the problems we have.

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